Artificial intelligence (AI) systems known as Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) are designed to converse with people in natural language. To understand context, sentiment, and meaning in conversations, IVAs use state-of-the-art technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Learning (ML), and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms.
IVAs can be broadly divided into two categories: probabilistic and deterministic. Whereas probabilistic IVAs use ML and NLP to produce dynamic responses catered to specific user demands, deterministic IVAs function according to preset guidelines and response templates.
IVAs are used for various purposes, such as internal business operations, sales and advertising, and customer service. Numerous mediums, including web chats, smartphone apps, email clients, SMS services, and virtual reality environments, can easily incorporate them.
One of the most significant benefits of IVAs is their ability to provide round-the-clock client service without the need for pauses. They also do a great job of answering the same queries quickly, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues requiring higher order thinking abilities. Furthermore, IVAs enable automated marketing and sales processes, increasing conversion rates and fostering customer loyalty.
Businesses that use IVAs hope to increase customer happiness, reduce operating costs, and increase productivity. Future technology advancements promise to further improve IVAs by giving them more emotional intelligence and sophisticated comprehension skills, which will ultimately lead to the development of deeper and more meaningful relationships between customers and companies.